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Posts tagged ‘vanilla sugar’

Happy Extracting {Making Homemade Vanilla Extract}

Last summer, we purchased a small bottle of locally made vanilla extract from a friend of my sister’s who was selling her products at our local Famer’s Market. I popped it open as soon as I got home and the aroma was intoxicating; after the first time I cooked with it, I vowed never to use store-bought extract again.

After doing some research, I learned how simple it is to make extract at home and this past weekend that’s just what I did.

Homemade Vanilla Extract

Ingredients: Vanilla Beans (any variety) and Vodka (or Bourbon, Rum or Brandy)
Ratio: 5 beans to 1-cup vodka

CUT the vanilla beans lengthwise in half and put them into a glass container.
POUR in vodka, close the jar, and store in a cool, dry place.
SHAKE jar every week or so.
WAIT eight weeks or more, and then your extract will be ready to use.  Read more

Coffee, Chaos and Christ

The misadventures of a Mother and business owner.

Frühlingskabine Micro-Farm

From a scrappy 1/4 acre to a homestead on more! Livestock, gardening, meat, wool, eggs, dairy, DIY projects, and life from scratch.

My Foray Into Food Storage

A regular gal learning about Food Storage, Home Cooking, Canning, Gardening, and more!